C.B.I Sanctum

Second Blog and a memoir for someone lovely.

I just want to get the writing itch out again. I'll jumble everything here.

"Someone lovely" refers to everyone that came before C.B.I 2.

Thank you, to you all, you are lovely.

If any of you find this missive, then remember why I chose to walk down the path of the S.A.V.E protocol.

Some of you do not know why, what it stands for, its purpose, and some of you may just be ghosts in the machine.

On another note, it's quite funny, I've never considered blogging much but now I am realizing just how fun this entire thing is going to be, I can feel my blood flowing and my emotions being put into words again, and I can feel the long dead flowers that once rotted, bloom once more.

This will be the start of a long, and entirely fruitful journey, the future is the most uncertain it has ever been for me, but, sanguinity is everything to me, and I am here for anyone who needs me. There is no warmth more tender than loving someone for who they are and accepting them for every little painful moment and boiling, pustulating skin they had to endure.

Sometimes in the past, people have confused the way I speak having romantic intent, or seeking romance but the truth is I only care dearly for everyone in a way that is platonic, and It saddens me when my words are misconstrued, but I understand people may see the way I hold friends in my heart and the warmth I carry of them as romantic, but it is not. I have found my love in providing it to everyone, and one day, if I were to be with someone again, I know that the natural order of things will happen.

Ironically, I don't believe in fate, but it is integral to my company, why is that?

Some of you may know, and some others may not.

Well, dear, maybe cut me up first and then I'll talk. Whatever that could be a metaphor for, I know.

Anyways, I will use Homestuck as a comparison now, Morail stuff, platonic soulmates, that is the closest thing to the warmth I feel for my friends.

Some from C.B.I 1 spread their wings and found the love they sought, breaking that rusted cycle of self hatred: a C.B.I success.

All in all, something else has been on my mind though, I've been thinking about college, I just started really, but, I like where I'm at now.

My newest job, it is the best I've had so far. As always, the pay could be much better, but otherwise I enjoy it, and, this whole time, in this town, there were more C.B.I recruits.

Of course, this begins the cycle anew, hehe, I can't wait.

I'd say for my new job though, the best part is, even if it is said often, the coworkers. I just am glad I can finally slow down. Thanks one more time again Max to showing me this website, even if I do not know how to use it that much yet, I will learn.

Even if this job had a never ending stream of people, I would not trade it for anything at the moment. I only wish I was a little bit better so I could aid my coworkers a bit more...but, all within due time, they deserve love, and at least a friend who will listen to all their ails and all the little things others would rather not speak of, that is my will, and I will see to it that it gets done, as always.

Oh, and there's one regular that is my friend too, she is absolutely a silly goose, and her place serves as a great Sanguine Sanctuary!

Now what do I write about? Anything I hope, I want to see streams of light shine through the forest again, and I want to stare so high above that I imagine myself in the clouds, or, perhaps,

This one imagines what it would be like to fly in the clouds.

Each day back then, before C.B.I 2, 887 carried its corpse of a body to that place that was special,


The foliage.


The overwhelming feeling of skin.




October...... October....................

Burn it, burn it, burn it and let the flames carry the will of the city.

Let the rising black smoke serve as the purpose of this endless journey.


The island you dreamed of...

Love. 887 holds no lamentation for the past, or present, and every awful occurrence, for they are accepted, and molded to be warm.

Once October 1st rolls around again...it won't be the same this time, now, someone else leads the guild, a pup, much more suited to run the guild compared to the other one of course.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm back! Oh goodness, hehe, everything written here is by me of course, but there is a reason I have three names.

887, Victoria, Lavinia, what are their differences?

887: Of course this is the company leader name, I'm a bit more stern and ephemeral when I speak like this! Example down below.

"The skin that is held by one could be marred by the weight of the aligning tones."

Lavinia: Now Lavinia, it crawled from the Earth in the wake of the Snake Pit! Lavinia is quite similar to 887, just a lot more distant.

" It was a memory clad in tender laughter, someone was left there, weeping. "

Victoria: me! The silliest girl ever.

These are all me of course, just different syntax and wording to organize the thoughts of everything happening all at once.

What's next?

More writing. :)

What's this about? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I have some guttural emotion and feeling somewhere inside of me I'm just gonna puke it out and see what happens. This isn't about any little thing in particular, I just want to get it out.

Also, I am okay, :3, I just want to write this out to get it out.

A! warning! for words that make no sense and may be triggering to some people in regards to ones prone to suffering in dread from their own thoughts. !!!!

you can scroll past it though if you don't want to read it, I just want to make sure for anyone who reads this.

blood and puss and concrete and an empty house with blood splattered everywhere, jumping off the end of that trail and into the water, and the water dragging everyone down, hatred that doesn't exist, coldness that doesn't exist, skin that isn't real, the endless stars and weight of fear. transient beauty and the fleeting of the leaves and the dry patch of land and the metal fence and the rot that becomes me, and the skin again, and every tactile sensation possible, and the skin...let the blood out and let it flow onwards, sanguinity. the stars have a place for you, and one day the sky will be blotted in a lovely sign of fragility.


That's all over with.

Ah, what a wonderful life, sanguinity becomes me.

"The Snakeskin Battalion," once known as The Snakeskin Soldiers...what will become of them one day?

Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meowmeowmeowmeowmeow

but sometimes! woof

woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woofwoofwoofwoofwoof

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------I am so tired.

sososososososososososososssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooo tired, but I want to write and write and write!

meooooooow............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ if jad harles and catnip fused together that would have beem so awesome. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhherstgtfnhvfodkvbjoigdfvjowbjpibghrigkhnjtkognjtiobntjobnilrjvntrjbridjbntihobnfdijvbgrkjmrjdfnmgtjfvnglk;fgjtrjnbribgnrtkhnjreopiebjeipbojetrioghropghtrioghtrioghrte (spam code but is actually encrypted code, kidding, not this tinme, bu9t I will hide messages trave your name on the window payne) rievbhioercbipewocnieucbhieuvchnrtiuvnr;vneufiberiuvfberiubnedkcnweipvubevipuberiupvbeiuvbrivbwipbvetivrtibweivbuwripgbtriupbtribuprtibupveriupvberiupbvpiewubvpeiuvbripuvbepuvjrpoivjpriojpwoeifhw :33333333333333333333333:#3333333333333333333333333333333333:3333333333333333333333333333333333333333 glktjgopijtopigjpihevipurehbproeucvheripvhwbiuwenhvpiwnvjeipvbjriohjtriponivneiobntlbnrfiunh igbnirvnhribntribnrkkjvndfinbrv rnbieruenbpirubneripub repiojropbihtripobhptibhpoivjpiorjgpoerigjporigjpoergjittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttjjgjgjgjgjorbnpeoirbno


damn those circadian rhythms are kicking my ass now that I have to actually wake up on time and can't really stay up till 8 AM anymore. whateves though :3


Take care of yourself.