C.B.I Sanctum

Mid day Blog, Week 6, Day 3

Good tidings to all, I'm taking a page out of my friend/coworker's book, and am deciding to write this from the break room.

Some very silly incidents have been happening today, and I'd like to share them whilst the memories are still fresh at the present moment.

Also, Max if you see this, I do find it quite silly that we both had that idea to write out work related stuffs, I have been doing it for quite some time lol, like one time at my old job, a Kakashi cosplayer came in and I found it super funny, although...it was Halloween after all.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Jackhammer Incident

On Monday, there will be a crew with a jackhammer rummaging throughout the store, and making noise....and...disturbing our precious stock.

I am writing this now since one of my coworker's has spent the better part of the day attempting to stack very delicate wine on a shelf away from where the jackhammer will be and...it's starting to buckle under the weight. I find this situation quite humorous indeed.

However, it may be way too noisy for to work Monday which is when I close!

I wonder what will occur...

Victor/Victoria Blooddeath Times

A short one but one of my name's is Victoria, and there was a customer who came up for a carrot juice who was named Victor. I mentioned my name and we had a little laugh about it; just a tiny little treat for me to think about, you know?

Also, there is an older movie named Victor/Victoria, I've never seen it, but, I remember my grandma always talking about it in relation to my name.

The Stroller of DEATH

A regular who comes in carries around a stroller to store their groceries in, but, this time, I took note of the most horrifying discovery of them all...they were escorting their puppy around in the stroller! It seemed rather happy to be in the store. It was cute.

Goodbye for now, I will return.