C.B.I Sanctum

First blog? 9/12/2023?

Hello, I have no clue how to style this, or anything, or use markdown stuff, or any of those fun things, but I will learn over time. First and foremost thank you Max for introducing this site to me, it means more than I can say.

I want to write a little log for the first blog though I suppose. Well, as of right now, it's 22:40, so, later in the day. I'm sitting in the middle of my living room wanting to tear every ounce of my skin off because I am so hungry and dehydrated due to a silly little mistake on my part where I left my gloves to my outfit on the side of this trail by me, which prompted me to get there ASAP. (also I am eating and drinking now so don't worry)

However, let's just review the day first.

8:00, I woke up.

12:00, I started moving

16:00, I left.

21:30, I returned home

21:40, I left again to get my gloves

22:00, I returned.

I would write much more now, but I am such a sleepy sleepy girl. I crave the coolness of my room and the slight warmth of my lovely kitty cat laying next to me.

But...I need to get undressed first.

Then, to my room, and then the next day.

Overall, today was super fun. I like to romanticize the tiny and lovely details of the day to day cycles, but I am too tired for that right meow.

Let me talk about the sheer absurdity of what happened though.

When I was returning home from the park, I noticed my gloves and ring were missing, and remembered where I last had them.

Thusly, I ran to my closet and yanked it open: there it was, my ticket to get my gloves.

My broken electric scooter.

"Broken" because its break and accelerator both don't work, so, just a normal scooter, with a constant flashing error code along with a still functional headlight.

SO I set off with great haste, holding my phone in hand whilst I put as much force as I could on the ground. This whole situation was so silly though, Imagine its 22:00 and this random gothic lolita girl is fiercely pushing this scooter along as fast as possible, and I was cloaked in all black so with the black scooter it looked like I was floating across the pavement to get to the gloves and...

shoving the scooter down gently off the side of the trail, I pulled out my phone camera and searched the grass, spotting a twinkling of something, investigating it and...not my gloves.

However! just a little bit further I found them! both of my gloves and my ring!

Now, they only got detached from me in the first place because I sat in the grass to rest and lay down for a moment's notice, and forgot I left my gloves on my lap and when I started walking...they fall off.

So, get back home, super fast, super sweaty, super super tired, then eat, then get extremely overstimulated by every little thing around me because my mind is racing a million meows purr second. I an good though, writing is my venting tool, and the only venting I really need to do is just talk about anything.

I am here to love my friends and purrvoide them with warmth and happiness, and one day, break the final cycle.

I love you all.

As of now though...."all" is really like no one since I do not know if anyone can even see this yet or what coding I must do, but I am determined to retreat to the depths of what slightly resembles the old dead god of the internet before cloud computing became popularized and every single piece of software out there became subscription based.

Zee, Simon, Jay, Mizuki, Justin, if any of you see this...hello dears, welcome to the C.B.I Sanctum,

where everything that has happened, will happen.

Take care of yourself.