C.B.I Sanctum

End of Week 6: Day 1 + nesting

20:51 now, I've settled into bed earlier than usual since I work at the crack of dawn tomorrow. I'm also gonna do something silly, perhaps, a way to start fleshing out whatever this blog will lead me to.

I will suggest a song to play whilst reading this; no one really has to pay it any mind, but I like having a song or two to go along with something so, if one wants to listen to the song that I listened to whilst writing this, check on spotify, "La meglio gioventu" by Novectacle, straight from the Fata Morgana OST hehe.

Actually, I'll share a a playlist for reading, I've been in a fata morgana mood. I'll probably do this for most entries, however many that may be at the end of the twisting path of this world.


9/14/2023, I worked 10 - 18:30.

I will review my memories now, or notable moments of the day so to speak!

Back when I worked at Wendy's, before my phone got wrecked in the storm, I had a whole entire list of "incidents," at Wendy's.

Some I can still remember even now; the incidents though were really just little events that I took note of, such as "The get off crack affair," or "the bad dragon incident," or "the gas spicy nuggets incident," or...I still remember, Wendy's really was a crazy place meow.

I may do something similar to that but for NFP.

At the least, this is where my memories will lay.

I'll add some funny little names to them and title them "incidents," or something akin to that just like old times, thank you guys for everything.

============================================================================= "The Better Call Saul Incident"

At my job, there is a child that comes by every so often with his parents. I would bring my Better Call Saul cup in on occasion, and he would make note of it, it was quite silly, and reminded me of the way I used to vocal stim as a kid. Today, he caught me by the counter and asked me, "Are you the Better Call Saul person," I said, "yep! I'm the better call saul girl!"

He then proceeded to quote the show and it then reminded me of my little brothers, how sweet!

He even got the gender right, he called me a "person." Then again, I am still a silly girl, but me being a silly girl is separate from my disillusionment with "normal" gender ideology and the forced binary. I digress,

In retrospect, I should have responded with, "You got me." and put my arms up like Walter White.

On another note though, it reminded me of something.

(I delve into more info about myself and my past, so you can skip if not interested, and I talk about days forever heading by.)

That cup I bought was for a Saul cosplay back in Halloween last year, but also for a school presentation, where we would be giving a "villain speech." That was a fun little thing, getting a random Walter and Jesse to come up, and then giving people free candy. Fun.

I deleted a wall of text I wrote.

Perhaps another time.

(The Tempeh Ruben from SPACE)

One of my coworkers really wanted to make me a tempeh Ruben for some reason, I believe she said she enjoys making them, so I ordered it, and damn, it as so super good! I mayhaps be inclined to get another one on the morrow.

I'd say more but I'm getting real tired already, so I'll jump ship, let's talk about the other nature of this entry.

( Nesting )

If you didn't know, nesting is a common trait associated with people who have autism and are on the spectrum, and, it is something I do.

Just making everything as cozy as possible, curling up and sleeping. It's quite simple really, but every night lately it's still so hard for me to fall asleep, and when I do, (I write about some ills that plague me occasional and you can skip past if you don't want to read. )

I usually have nightmares like this morning.

REM sleep activates around 30 minutes into the sleep process, and meletonin, which I almost always need to take before bed, increases REM sleep, and, therefore, has a positive correlation with dreams.

I like to journal them sometimes, but this wasn't the most pleasant morning.

I just want to sleep meow...I am a sleepy girl, my energy for work is not artificial, but I need to be moving around a lot and using up energy so I can actually sleep, plus, it is fun being silly.

I'd speak on my nightmare, but my nightmares are not the typical horrors, but just reminders of the past, and people from back when.

( A place far away )

(more talk about the past and just being lonely and etc)

Recently, two C.B.I 1 members have been brought back to the forefront of my mind.

333 and their brother.

They are both struggling now, and I love them both dearly. We may have mainly severed our ties through the weight of time, but at least we still talk sometimes.

I would like to see them both still. I remember those days, the late night calls, that warmth somehow emanating from the headset when we would speak. Chattering late into the dead of night...about everywhere we'd go, what we'd do, what a great friend. 333, heed my words, we will one day go to The Big Cheese, it's a promise!

I believe they will see this at some point, and I hope their brother does as well, they were some of the people who participated during Sinsmis. (the Jackbox tournaments I hosted.)

With that being said, a drop of blood just sloshed around my head, and one nostalgic memory came back again.

( The walk after a shift )

Hm...I see wide streets, lamp posts barely hanging on, parked cars littering the street, and...a friend who wanted nothing more than to not be alone.

We'd finish our shift, head out on the same time, and then walk together after the city was nothing more than a low humdrum buzz here or there, and the hint of crickets chirping.

This friend was one of the few constants after the exodus happened at Wendy's, and I remember the day she left. Thank you for being my friend. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------( Future Improvements )

Writing wise, I know I am pretty bad at dialogue and describing actions as opposed to narration or the big picture; little details can get murky at times when I try to write out someone's actions, hence why my writing at times may come off as a tad stiff, this cosmicwindsong is still trying to find its foot in prose.

( What's next? )

I don't want to sleep yet...but my mind's running into a real blank at the moment as it is inhibited by excess melatonin. Maybe this will be a good spot to jumble something out.

bleh...meowwwwwwwww I'm sleepyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Good thing I'll probably rest well tonight. I am excited for future prospects.

I don't want to sleep yet though...I ...


Take care of yourself, and see you next time!
