C.B.I Sanctum

(12/17/2023) Snowfall?

It does not snow here, but it is falling somewhere.

Perhaps a gentle patter, or something more.

I'm back here again, with the orange glow of the night light on my computer screen and my room.

It's over halfway there....

What's on my mind today?

/// Somewhere with a Wealth of Knowledge ///

It's scattered amongst the pages. In the corner, someone sips on their coffee whilst another reads with great intent. It's something only you can fix dear, it's all you my beloved.

Let those eyes weep please, so you can once more bask in the glow of the sun.

The shuffling sounds are almost too beautiful to be real. Oh....only you can change this dear.

Please make it quick, and leave not but the cleanest cut.

You are everything.

And this is a new beginning.

Run to the lights of the city.

/// Catchup and Bygones ///

No eyes to see, but it can always be seen, it's always there, as it beats rhythmically with its heart.

Your new home...your new home time and time again.

Treat it gently and have fun okay dear? I'd lift your face up gently now if I could but...I'm talking about myself to myself so I can just move my head up, can't I? It'll be okay, I'm here.

It's time for a game of catchup again, but...you've got it under control. You've got some nice people around you.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Realization /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


Soon, do it once more.

It burns all over your face but make the next step, do what is right.

See to the bounty of a whole new year.

You know what to do.

I love you all, 887.